The base scores of French High Schools, whose language of instruction is French and whose mission is to train qualified students, change every year. The base scores of French High Schools in Turkey for the 2022/2023 academic year are listed below. For parents or students who want to make a comparison, the base scores for 2021 have also been added.
The base scores of French schools change every year. In particular, some schools update their base scores by opening more than one registration period. In order to access up-to-date information, it is important to look at the schools' websites with the Ministry of Education extension.
(Data for the blank sections could not be accessed.)
Galatasaray High School | 490,6558 | It will be clear when the selection results are announced. |
Istanbul Private Saint Joseph French High School | 438,0000 | 462,5000 |
Notre Dame de Sion French High School | 428,0000 | 451,0000 |
Private Saint Benoit French High School | 417,0000 | 441,0000 |
Private Sainte Pulchérie French High School | 417,0000 | 437,0000 |
Private Saint Michel French High School | 410,0000 | 430,0000 |
Izmir Private Saint Joseph French High School | – | 397,0000 |
Izmir Private Tevfik Fikret Science High School | – | 435,0000 |
Izmir Private Tevfik Fikret High School | – | 395,0000 |