We wish success to all students who left the difficult LGS process behind and made their choices and got into their schools in their high school lives.
What kind of a process will students who received their education in English or another foreign language during their primary and secondary education at the high school level of their education experience in the new French high schools they will start? Do they need to make any preparations before starting school? Is French as difficult as it is said? Will the preparatory class provide sufficient equipment to learn a language? What does it mean that the branch courses (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology…) of the following grades (9,10,…) are in French?
GETTING PREPARED “I am meeting French for the first time”
When first heard, French is described as romantic with its throat-read words and general structure. As is known, it has Latin roots. Due to this feature, it is a language that has many words with similar spellings intertwined with other Latin-based languages (such as English and Italian). Nevertheless, since each language has its own rules and structures, the French language also has its own rules and occasional exceptions. Since there is a distinction between feminine and masculine words from the very beginning, it starts with a distinction that is never encountered in Turkish or English. The 1-year preparatory class (if enough repetition and consideration are given) brings students to a level that will allow them to continue high school education in French.
BEING 9 “What will I do when the branches are foreign languages?”
For students who successfully pass the preparatory class, a process begins in which they must gain new experience. Branches are taught in French. While physics, mathematics and all other positive science branches have challenging subjects for them, the French factor is added to this situation. We can say that there is no need to worry. With regular weekly repetitions, daily-weekly follow-up of homework given in classes, on-site/timely reinforcement lessons for lessons that are not caught up and understood, the desired success can be achieved and a normal high school student can graduate, of course with much more gain.
In a world where almost everyone speaks English, knowing a second language continues to stand out as a distinguishing feature in every environment. For this reason, we can say that at the end of all the effort, those who learn French will think, “I’m glad I learned it!”
We welcome all students who want to get acquainted with French or get help with their 9th grade programs to our classes.
We wish you a healthy and successful academic year!