Literature topics in French lessons; It aims to provide students with the ability to evaluate and interpret literary movements and works that vary according to the conditions of different periods. It is desired to draw a certain general judgment as a result of examining the change and development of social, cultural and economic conditions in French literature from the Middle Ages to the present day.
It is very important to develop the necessary thinking techniques to establish cause-effect relationships by identifying similarities and differences between periods. It is necessary to examine literary texts by determining which concepts and ideas have been at the forefront throughout the centuries and to make evaluations according to the conditions of the period. At this point, literature lessons have a different place from text reading studies on general subjects in French.
The aim of the texts examined at different levels in the lessons is to improve the student's reading comprehension ability and to ensure that the student answers questions about the reading passage correctly. Lack of detailed knowledge and experience about the subjects in these texts may not be a problem most of the time, it may be sufficient to correctly comprehend the information in the reading passage.
Background information is very important in the texts studied in literature courses. In order to examine a work from a period, some processes must be completed. It is among the priorities to enter into a detailed research process to obtain certain information about the period in which the work or reading texts were written; The way of government, the social and economic conditions of daily life, the movements and pioneers that shape the society, famous thinkers and artists who influence the communities, cultural-social-economic conflicts... Examining literary texts without any preliminary study may cause confusion in meaning and have negative effects on the student's reading comprehension level.
Since literature requires a comprehensive knowledge, students may experience some reservations and difficulties. Implementing basic strategies may be sufficient to prevent the difficulties that students may experience. Before starting to analyze literary works, doing detailed research about the period in which they were written, identifying important information and taking short notes, and creating a mindset that reflects the period as a result of this process will ensure that the process is useful and productive. Watching educational videos prepared on literary topics may also be useful in this process. Thanks to these videos that appeal to visual memory and provide summative information, we can grasp the basic points in a short time. In cases where we can complete the necessary processes efficiently, we can observe that our ability to interpret the issues we encounter in literature lessons within a logical framework has improved.
The literature subjects included in the curriculum of the 9th, 10th and 11th grades of French schools are as follows;
9th Grade Literature Topics:
- La civilisation Romaine Antique, La Romanité
- Jules César, D'Octave à Auguste
- Les symboles de la République
- Moyen Age- Littérature médiévale
- Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide
- La Cantatric chauve - Eugène Ionesco
- Biography des auteurs
- Les courants de peinture
10th Grade Literature Topics:
- Renaissance/Humanisme
- Des mouvements littéraires
- Les Fables, Les Contes
- La Monarchie Absolue (Louis XIV)
- La poésie, les poètes maudits
- Etudier des pièces de théâtre, le vocabulaire du théâtre
- Renaissance artistique, Peinture de la Renaissance
11th Grade Literature Topics:
- Renaissance/Humanisme
- La Monarchie absolute
- Pantagruel (extrait), Antigone (extrait), Gargantua (extrait)
- Grand Siècle
- Baroque- Classicisme
- Naissance de la tragedy
- Théâtre classique
- Révolution Française
- Les écoles d'Athènes
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The Importance of Background Knowledge in French Literature Classes
French Literature - French Schools French Language and Literature, Literature Topics in French Classes
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