Galatasaray University is the final stage of an education and training history of more than 500 years. Galatasaray was founded for the first time in history in 1481 by Sultan II. It was founded by Beyazıt as an Enderun school under the name Galata Palace to train administrators for the palace. The school, which started bilingual education in 1868 during the reign of Sultan Abdülaziz and was named Mekteb-i Sultani, reached the university level by incorporating three High Schools in the fields of Law, Literature and Engineering in 1874 and became Mekteb-i Aliye-i Sultaniye and Darülfünun-u Sultaniye in 1877. took its name. Then, with the new state order implemented by Atatürk and his staff, it continued to serve as Cumhuriyet High School and was named Galatasaray High School. Galatasaray University was founded in 1992 as a result of the Turkish-French agreement.
Galatasaray University is a public school like Galatasaray High School. Galatasaray University, which demonstrates its commitment to the fundamental principles of the Republic at every opportunity, consists of a primary school, a high school, five faculties and two institutes. Lessons are held in French and Turkish, depending on their characteristics. In addition, thanks to the English language education available for all faculties, it is aimed for students to graduate with a good level of English language education.