Recently, when we told one of our students that the Internal Exam is taken into account when the first twenty-five thousand marks are taken in the oral exam, he could not believe it and stated that he did not know about this situation. In fact, upon this news, he changed his field at the private teaching institution he attended and we set off together towards Galatasaray University.
Preparing these pages was something we had planned for a long time. The fact that most students do not know many details about the exam, the confusion of information circulating around, and sometimes - we are sorry to say - the information is conveyed incorrectly by some institutions and teachers unconsciously or consciously due to certain concerns, have pushed us to speed up the process in preparing these pages. In addition, other factors were that the information on the internet was insufficient and repetitive.
In summary, the purpose of preparing these pages is to provide the most accurate, most reliable and most detailed information about the Internal Exam, to guide students who dream of being a Galatasaray University student in the best way, and to share openly and honestly what should and should not be done on the path to success.
However, we would like to make a reminder. We can divide all we know about the Internal Exam into 3:
1. Information we can share over the internet: This information alone is not available in such a comprehensive and detailed manner on any other website or written source. In general, it contains the technical information of the exam.
2. Information that we can share in our institution with anyone who wishes: Most of this information is statistical information about the internal exam from previous years. It contains the most important information that we have prepared by collecting and analyzing data for years, supported by numerical tables and graphics, and which will enable the student to make inferences about their success in the Internal Exam. Please contact us to consult about this information. The reason for such a restriction is to try to prevent others from using this information, which we have prepared and put together with great effort after a long time.
3. Information that will raise awareness and that we think is very special and that we can share with our students who receive support from us.
Do not forget ! You can listen to much more of what is written here, from a knowledgeable and competent voice, without paying any fee. We are ready to guide anyone who wishes, whether they are our students or not.