Happening every yearGalatasaray University Internal Exam’, kontenjanının %50’sini ÖSYM tarafından yapılan Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Sınavlarında başarılı olan öğrencilere, %25‘ini Galatasaray Lisesi mezunu olup GSÜÖSYS sınavında başarılı olan öğrencilere, %25‘ini Türkiye’de Fransızca öğretim yapan okullardan mezun olan öğrencilere ayırmaktadır.
The exam consists of two stages. Since the exams specified in the 2nd stage are held at different times, a student can attend all exams if he/she wishes. Candidates must be among the first 25,000 candidates who are successful in at least one of the Numerical, Equal weight and Verbal score types they want to choose in the ranking made according to their YKS undergraduate placement score. Four wrong answers lead to one correct answer.
GSÜÖSYS (Galatasaray University Student Selection and Placement Exam) 1st STAGE
Turkish – 15 Questions
Mathematics – 40 Questions
French – 25 Questions
EXAM DURATION: It is 150 minutes and all students participate.
GSÜÖSYS (Galatasaray University Student Selection and Placement Exam) 2ND STAGE
The duration of the 2nd stage exam for Social Sciences or Numerical Sciences is 75 minutes.
Numerical Sciences test consisting of Mathematics (20), Physics (10), Chemistry (5), Biology (5); Students who will choose the Departments of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences It solves.
Consisting of the fields of French (15), Turkish Literature (10), History (3), History of Revolution (3), Geography (3), Philosophy (3) and Sociology (3). Social Sciences test; Students who will choose the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Communication, Departments of Economics, Business Administration, International Relations and Political Science of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, and the Department of Philosophy, Department of Sociology or French Language and Literature of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. It solves. *(The number of questions is stated in parentheses.)
When we examine the number of questions in the Galatasaray University Internal Exam, being successful in French is of great importance not only for students who will choose Social Sciences but also for students who will prefer Quantitative Sciences. In cases where two candidates receive equal scores, priority is given to the one with the higher French score in the Stage 1 exam. GSÜ Internal Exam French questions are prepared to comprehensively measure French language skills. Text questions; reading comprehension knowledge; term (vocabulaire) and idiom questions; vocabulary, grammar questions; It aims to use language structure knowledge skills. For this purpose, the student needs to create an educational strategy to improve his abilities. In order to provide up-to-date information, we will examine the question distributions in the 2019 and 2020 Galatasaray Internal Exams and provide information about the necessary study methods. We inform you about the methods adopted by Château Education, which provides the best personalized education for the GSÜ Internal Exam, during the preparation for the exam and share important tips with you;
1 stage:
Compréhension Ecrite
In this section, questions are asked to measure comprehension of what we read about a short text. In 2020, the three questions in this section aimed to measure our ability to make generally accurate determinations on the text. The other two questions asked us to find the correct equivalents of two terms in the text. In this section, if a term comes up that we do not know the equivalent of, we are expected to deduce its meaning from the text in general. In some cases, if we can identify answer options that have the same meaning, it may be sufficient to find the term with a different meaning. In 2019, one term and two idiom questions were asked. It is of great importance to work on improving reading practice in order to increase the success rate in this department. Gaining awareness about how to examine the texts in the GSÜ Internal Exams of all years will eliminate the negative impact of the difficulty level of the questions. Determining what information the questions are prepared to find before the reading passage is one of the building blocks of an efficient reading. Eliminating the need to read the text again and again, especially for term and idiom questions, will save us time and ensure the continuity of concentration required to answer other questions. Based on our exam preparation experiences, our students who showed the ability to analyze the reading passages correctly after the first week managed to minimize the margin of error in paragraph questions.
Questions Independentes
In the independent questions section, there are topics such as 'Vocabulaire', 'Expréssion' and 'Sens de la phrase'. This year, 5 terms and 4 idiom questions appeared in the exam. With our word and phrase sets specially prepared for the GSÜ Internal Exam by our professional staff, students are offered the opportunity to examine all the terms that have appeared in the exam so far this year in a proper format. If students enter the process of learning these terms, the meanings of which they do not know before, it will positively affect the success rate in this field. With the lists of terms and expressions we offer to students to increase their vocabulary, students' motivation to succeed in these questions also increases. It is aimed to find the judgment closest to the sentences in the 'Sens de la phrase' questions. It is very important to determine which idea the sentence basically wants to reflect. Eliminating the answers that say 'absolutely not' can help us make more efficient decisions.
The grammar topics in this section are as follows; 'Pronom relatif', 'Relations Logiques', 'Concordance des temps', 'Marqueurs Temporels'. Before looking at the exam questions on these subjects, it should be aimed to acquire basic knowledge through detailed explanations. Our institution has a large archive containing grammar lectures and exercises; The aim is for the student to complete the subject deficiencies and reach a level where they can answer the questions in the internal exam correctly. The student who goes through this process efficiently will have the ability to easily complete the grammar subjects in the internal exam. A question has arisen this year regarding the 'Ordre logique de phrase'. It is required to arrange the sentences correctly in order to create a meaningful paragraph from the sentences given in mixed order. Mastering the subject of 'Relations Logiques' enables the sequencing exercises to be carried out easily.
Stage 2
One of the factors that will significantly affect the success of students who choose one of the social departments is their performance in French. When examined by year, the topics in this section are as follows; 'Pronoms Relatifs', 'Ordre Logique de la Phrase', 'Discours Indirect', 'Pronoms', 'Vocabulaire', Compréhension de la Phrase', 'Traduction'. In this department, priority can be given to work to increase the success rate, especially in the fields of 'Compréhension de la Phrase' and 'Vocabulaire'. It is among our priorities to ensure that the student, who has learned the rules of grammar thoroughly, is successful in the questions aimed at understanding the sentences and terms in the second stage of the exam.
As of 2018, the 'Production Ecrite' (Composition) section is not included in the second stage of the exam. Elimination of the question type that students approach with the most hesitation positively affects the motivation in the exam preparation process.

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GSÜÖSYS (Galatasaray University Student Selection and Placement Exam) Internal Exam Preparation and Everything About the French Branch
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